
The classes associated with receiving are in the spead2.recv package. A stream represents a logical stream, in that packets with the same heap ID are assumed to belong to the same heap. A stream can have multiple physical transports.

Streams yield heaps, which are the basic units of data transfer and contain both item descriptors and item values. While it is possible to directly inspect heaps, this is not recommended or supported. Instead, heaps are normally passed to spead2.ItemGroup.update().

class spead2.recv.Heap

Heap identifier (read-only)


SPEAD flavour used to encode the heap (see SPEAD flavours)


Returns true if the packet contains a stream start control item.


Returns true if the packet contains a stream stop control item.


Malformed packets (such as an unsupported SPEAD version, or inconsistent heap lengths) are dropped, with a log message. However, errors in interpreting a fully assembled heap (such as invalid/unsupported formats, data of the wrong size and so on) are reported as ValueError exceptions. Robust code should thus be prepared to catch exceptions from heap processing.

Blocking receive

To do blocking receive, create a spead2.recv.Stream, and add transports to it with add_buffer_reader(), add_udp_reader(), add_tcp_reader() or add_udp_pcap_file_reader(). Then either iterate over it, or repeatedly call get().

class spead2.recv.Stream(thread_pool, bug_compat=0, max_heaps=4, ring_heaps=4, contiguous_only=True, incomplete_keep_payload_ranges=False)
  • thread_pool – Thread pool handling the I/O

  • int bug_compat – Bug compatibility flags (see SPEAD flavours)

  • int max_heaps – The number of partial heaps that can be live at one time. This affects how intermingled heaps can be (due to out-of-order packet delivery) before heaps get dropped.

  • int ring_heaps – The capacity of the ring buffer between the network threads and the consumer. Increasing this may reduce lock contention at the cost of more memory usage.

  • bool contiguous_only – If set to False, incomplete heaps will be included in the stream as instances of IncompleteHeap. By default they are discarded and a warning is printed.

  • bool incomplete_keep_payload_ranges – If set to True, it is possible to retrieve information about which parts of the payload arrived in incomplete heaps, using IncompleteHeap.payload_ranges().

Type thread_pool


Raises ValueError

if max_heaps is zero.


Set or change the memory allocator for a stream. See Memory allocators for details.


allocator – New memory allocator

Type allocator



Set the method used to copy data from the network to the heap. The default is MEMCPY_STD. This can be changed to MEMCPY_NONTEMPORAL, which writes to the destination with a non-temporal cache hint (if SSE2 is enabled at compile time). This can improve performance with large heaps if the data is not going to be used immediately, by reducing cache pollution. Be careful when benchmarking: receiving heaps will generally appear faster, but it can slow down subsequent processing of the heap because it will not be cached.


id – Identifier for the copy function

Type id



Feed data from an object implementing the buffer protocol.

add_udp_reader(port, max_size=DEFAULT_UDP_MAX_SIZE, buffer_size=DEFAULT_UDP_BUFFER_SIZE, bind_hostname='', socket=None)

Feed data from a UDP port.

  • int port – UDP port number

  • int max_size – Largest packet size that will be accepted.

  • int buffer_size – Kernel socket buffer size. If this is 0, the OS default is used. If a buffer this large cannot be allocated, a warning will be logged, but there will not be an error.

  • str bind_hostname – If specified, the socket will be bound to the first IP address found by resolving the given hostname. If this is a multicast group, then it will also subscribe to this multicast group.

  • socket.socket socket

    If specified, this socket is used rather than a new one. The socket must be open but unbound. The caller must not use this socket any further, although it is not necessary to keep it alive. This is mainly useful for fine-tuning socket options such as multicast subscriptions.

    Deprecated since version 1.9: Use the overload that doesn’t take a buffer_size or bind_hostname.

add_udp_reader(multicast_group, port, max_size=DEFAULT_UDP_MAX_SIZE, buffer_size=DEFAULT_UDP_BUFFER_SIZE, interface_address)

Feed data from a UDP port with multicast (IPv4 only).

  • str multicast_group – Hostname/IP address of the multicast group to subscribe to

  • int port – UDP port number

  • int max_size – Largest packet size that will be accepted.

  • int buffer_size – Kernel socket buffer size. If this is 0, the OS default is used. If a buffer this large cannot be allocated, a warning will be logged, but there will not be an error.

  • str interface_address – Hostname/IP address of the interface which will be subscribed, or the empty string to let the OS decide.

add_udp_reader(multicast_group, port, max_size=DEFAULT_UDP_MAX_SIZE, buffer_size=DEFAULT_UDP_BUFFER_SIZE, interface_index)

Feed data from a UDP port with multicast (IPv6 only).

  • str multicast_group – Hostname/IP address of the multicast group to subscribe to

  • int port – UDP port number

  • int max_size – Largest packet size that will be accepted.

  • int buffer_size – Kernel socket buffer size. If this is 0, the OS default is used. If a buffer this large cannot be allocated, a warning will be logged, but there will not be an error.

  • str interface_index – Index of the interface which will be subscribed, or 0 to let the OS decide.

add_tcp_reader(port, max_size=DEFAULT_TCP_MAX_SIZE, buffer_size=DEFAULT_TCP_BUFFER_SIZE, bind_hostname='')

Receive data over TCP/IP. This will listen for a single incoming connection, after which no new connections will be accepted. When the connection is closed, the stream is stopped.

  • int port – TCP port number

  • int max_size – Largest packet size that will be accepted.

  • int buffer_size – Kernel socket buffer size. If this is 0, the OS default is used. If a buffer this large cannot be allocated, a warning will be logged, but there will not be an error.

  • str bind_hostname – If specified, the socket will be bound to the first IP address found by resolving the given hostname.

add_tcp_reader(acceptor, max_size=DEFAULT_TCP_MAX_SIZE)

Receive data over TCP/IP. This is similar to the previous overload, but takes a user-provided socket, which must already be listening for connections. It duplicates the acceptor socket, so the original can be closed immediately.

  • socket.socket acceptor – Listening socket

  • int max_size – Largest packet size that will be accepted.


Feed data from a pcap file (for example, captured with tcpdump or mcdump). This is only available if libpcap development files were found at compile time.


Feed data from an in-process queue. Refer to In-process transport for details.


Returns the next heap, blocking if necessary. If the stream has been stopped, either by calling stop() or by receiving a stream control packet, it raises spead2.Stopped. However, heap that were already queued when the stream was stopped are returned first.

A stream can also be iterated over to yield all heaps.


Like get(), but if there is no heap available it raises spead2.Empty.


Shut down the stream and close all associated sockets. It is not possible to restart a stream once it has been stopped; instead, create a new stream.


The read end of a pipe to which a byte is written when a heap is received. Do not read from this pipe. It is used for integration with asynchronous I/O frameworks (see below).


Statistics about the stream.


The internal ringbuffer of the stream (see Statistics).


By default, a heap containing a stream control stop item will terminate the stream (and that heap is discarded). In some cases it is useful to keep the stream object alive and ready to receive a following stream. Setting this attribute to False will disable this special treatment. Such heaps can then be detected with is_end_of_stream().


By default, spead2 caters for heaps without a HEAP_LEN item, and will dynamically extend the memory allocation as data arrives. However, this can be expensive, and ideally senders should include this item. Setting this attribute to False will cause packets without this item to be rejected.

Asynchronous receive

Asynchronous I/O is supported through Python’s asyncio module. It can be combined with other asynchronous I/O frameworks like twisted and Tornado.

class spead2.recv.asyncio.Stream(*args, **kwargs, loop=None)

See spead2.recv.Stream (the base class) for other constructor arguments.


loop – Default asyncio event loop for async operations. If not specified, uses the default asyncio event loop. Do not call get_nowait from the base class.


Coroutine that yields the next heap, or raises spead2.Stopped once the stream has been stopped and there is no more data. It is safe to have multiple in-flight calls, which will be satisfied in the order they were made.


loop – asyncio event loop to use, overriding constructor.

The stream is also asynchronously iterable, i.e., can be used in an async for loop to iterate over the heaps.

Memory allocators

To allow for performance tuning, it is possible to use an alternative memory allocator for heap payloads. A few allocator classes are provided; new classes must currently be written in C++. The default (which is also the base class for all allocators) is spead2.MemoryAllocator, which has no constructor arguments or methods. An alternative is spead2.MmapAllocator.

class spead2.MmapAllocator(flags=0)

An allocator using mmap(2). This may be slightly faster for large allocations, and allows setting custom mmap flags. This is mainly intended for use with the C++ API, but is exposed to Python as well.


int flags – Extra flags to pass to mmap(2). Finding the numeric values for OS-specific flags is left as a problem for the user.

The most important custom allocator is spead2.MemoryPool. It allocates from a pool, rather than directly from the system. This can lead to significant performance improvements when the allocations are large enough that the C library allocator does not recycle the memory itself, but instead requests memory from the kernel.

A memory pool has a range of sizes that it will handle from its pool, by allocating the upper bound size. Thus, setting too wide a range will waste memory, while setting too narrow a range will prevent the memory pool from being used at all. A memory pool is best suited for cases where the heaps are all roughly the same size.

A memory pool can optionally use a background task (scheduled onto a thread pool) to replenish the pool when it gets low. This is useful when heaps are being captured and stored indefinitely rather than processed and released.

class spead2.MemoryPool(thread_pool, lower, upper, max_free, initial, low_water, allocator=None)

Constructor. One can omit thread_pool and low_water to skip the background refilling.

  • ThreadPool thread_pool – thread pool used for refilling the memory pool

  • int lower – Minimum allocation size to handle with the pool

  • int upper – Size of allocations to make

  • int max_free – Maximum number of allocations held in the pool

  • int initial – Number of allocations to put in the free pool initially.

  • int low_water – When fewer than this many buffers remain, the background task will be started and allocate new memory until initial buffers are available.

  • MemoryAllocator allocator – Underlying memory allocator


Whether to issue a warning if the memory pool becomes empty and needs to allocate new memory on request. It defaults to true.

Incomplete Heaps

By default, an incomplete heap (one for which some but not all of the packets were received) are simply dropped and a warning is printed. Advanced users might need finer control, such as recording metrics about the number of these heaps. To do so, set contiguous_only to False when constructing the stream. The stream will then yield instances of IncompleteHeap.

class spead2.recv.IncompleteHeap

Heap identifier (read-only)


SPEAD flavour used to encode the heap (see SPEAD flavours)


The expected number of bytes of payload (-1 if unknown)


The number of bytes of payload that were actually received


A list of pairs of heap offsets. Each pair is a range of bytes that was received. This is only non-empty if incomplete_keep_payload_ranges was passed to the stream constructor; otherwise the information is dropped to save memory.


Returns true if the packet contains a stream start control item.


Returns true if the packet contains a stream stop control item.


The stats property of a stream contains statistics about the stream. Note that while the fields below are expected to be stable except where otherwise noted, their exact interpretation in edge cases is subject to change as the implementation evolves. It is intended for instrumentation, rather than for driving application logic.

Each time the property is accessed, an internally consistent view of the statistics is returned. However, it is not synchronised with other aspects of the stream. For example, it’s theoretically possible to retrieve 5 heaps from the stream iterator, then find that StreamStats.heaps is (briefly) 4.

Some readers process packets in batches, and the statistics are only updated after a whole batch is added. This can be particularly noticeable if the ringbuffer fills up and blocks the reader, as this prevents the batch from completing and so heaps that have already been received by Python code might not be reflected in the statistics.

class spead2.recv.StreamStats

Total number of heaps put into the stream. This includes incomplete heaps, and complete heaps that were received but did not make it into the ringbuffer before stop() was called. It excludes the heap that contained the stop item.


Number of incomplete heaps that were evicted from the buffer to make room for new data.


Number of incomplete heaps that were still in the buffer when the stream stopped.


Total number of packets received, including the one containing the stop item.


Number of batches of packets. Some readers are able to take multiple packets from the network in one go, and each time this forms a batch.


Number of times a worker thread was blocked because the ringbuffer was full. If this is non-zero, it indicates that the stream is not being read fast enough, or that the ring_heaps constructor parameter needs to be increased to buffer sudden bursts.


Maximum number of packets received as a unit. This is only applicable to readers that support fetching a batch of packets from the source.


Number of heaps that were entirely contained in a single packet. These take a slightly faster path as it is not necessary to reassemble them.


Number of hash table entries searched to find the heaps associated with packets. This is intended for debugging/profiling spead2 and may be removed without notice.

Additional statistics are available on the ringbuffer underlying the stream (ringbuffer property), with similar caveats about synchronisation.

class spead2.recv.Stream.Ringbuffer

Number of heaps currently in the ringbuffer.


Maximum number of heaps that can be held in the ringbuffer (corresponds to the ring_heaps argument to the stream constructor).