
Debug builds

Meson provides standard infrastructure for doing debug builds. Specifically, these disable optimisation and enable assertions. For C++ builds you can pass --buildtype=debug when setting up the build directory (note that Meson supports multiple build directories, so you can keep separate directories for release and debug builds if you like). For Python builds, you can pass -Csetup-args=--buildtype=debug to pip install. Note that for an editable install, this option is sticky: invoking pip install in future without this option will not reset it to the default, unless you delete the build directory.

Debug logging

Debug builds do not automatically enable debug-level logging. See the Logging documentation for instructions to do that.

Debug symbols for Python wheels

Occasionally a bug may manifest in a released Python wheel but prove impossible to reproduce with a locally-compiled version of the package. While it will not give a great debugging experience (because the code is optimised), it is possible to install separate debug symbols so that one can get line numbers from stack traces. Note that this is only supported on Linux.

On the Github page for the release is a file called spead2-version-debug.tar.xz. Unpack it into lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/spead2 inside your virtual environment). You only need to install the .debug file matching the Python version and architecture. It should have the same name as an existing file in the same directory, but with the .debug suffix. Once this is done, GDB should be able to load the debug symbols from this file. Note that it will only work for the released wheel from the same version; if you compile a wheel yourself then the build ID will most likely not match and GDB will not use it.

Reducing worker threads

Numpy creates a lot of worker threads, which can make it more difficult to find the thread of interest in gdb. Setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1 will reduce the number of threads to sift through.