

class spead2::send::heap

Heap that is constructed for transmission.

Subclassed by spead2::send::heap_wrapper

Public Functions

heap(const flavour &flavour_ = flavour ())


  • flavour_ -

    SPEAD flavour that will be used to encode the heap

const flavour &get_flavour() const

Return flavour.

template <typename... Args>
void add_item(s_item_pointer_t id, Args&&... args)

Construct a new item.

void add_pointer(std::unique_ptr<std::uint8_t[]> &&pointer)

Take over ownership of pointer and arrange for it to be freed when the heap is freed.

void add_descriptor(const descriptor &descriptor)

Encode a descriptor to an item and add it to the heap.

void add_start()

Add a start-of-stream control item.

void add_end()

Add an end-of-stream control item.

struct spead2::send::item

An item to be inserted into a heap.

An item does not own its memory.

Public Functions


Default constructor.

This item has undefined values and is not usable.

item(s_item_pointer_t id, const void *ptr, std::size_t length, bool allow_immediate)

Create an item referencing existing memory.

item(s_item_pointer_t id, s_item_pointer_t immediate)

Create an item with a value to be encoded as an immediate.

item(s_item_pointer_t id, const std::string &value, bool allow_immediate)

Construct an item referencing the data in a string.

item(s_item_pointer_t id, const std::vector<std::uint8_t> &value, bool allow_immediate)

Construct an item referencing the data in a vector.

Public Members

s_item_pointer_t id

Item ID.

bool is_inline

If true, the item’s value is stored in-place and must be encoded as an immediate.

Non-inline values can still be encoded as immediates if they have the right length.

bool allow_immediate

If true, the item’s value may be encoded as an immediate.

This must be false if the item is variable-sized, because in that case the actual size can only be determined from address differences.

If is_inline is true, then this must be true as well.

const std::uint8_t *ptr

Pointer to the value.

std::size_t length

Length of the value.

s_item_pointer_t immediate

Integer value to store (host endian).

This is used if and only if is_inline is true.


All stream types are derived from spead2::send::stream using the curiously recurring template pattern and implementing an async_send_packet function.

typedef std::function<void(const boost::system::error_code &ec, item_pointer_t bytes_transferred)> spead2::send::stream::completion_handler
class spead2::send::stream

Abstract base class for streams.

Subclassed by spead2::send::stream_impl< Derived >, spead2::send::stream_impl< streambuf_stream >, spead2::send::stream_impl< udp_ibv_stream >, spead2::send::stream_impl< udp_stream >

Public Functions

boost::asio::io_service &get_io_service() const

Retrieve the io_service used for processing the stream.

virtual bool async_send_heap(const heap &h, completion_handler handler) = 0

Send h asynchronously, with handler called on completion.

The caller must ensure that h remains valid (as well as any memory it points to) until handler is called.

If this function returns true, then the heap has been added to the queue. The completion handlers for such heaps are guaranteed to be called in order.

If this function returns false, the heap was rejected due to insufficient space. The handler is called as soon as possible (from a thread running the io_service), with error code boost::asio::error::would_block.

Return Value
  • false -

    If the heap was immediately discarded

  • true -

    If the heap was enqueued

virtual void flush() = 0

Block until all enqueued heaps have been sent.

This function is thread-safe, but can be live-locked if more heaps are added while it is running.

class spead2::send::udp_stream

Inherits from spead2::send::stream_impl< udp_stream >

Public Functions

udp_stream(boost::asio::io_service &io_service, const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint &endpoint, const stream_config &config = stream_config (), std::size_t buffer_size = default_buffer_size)


udp_stream(boost::asio::ip::udp::socket &&socket, const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint &endpoint, const stream_config &config = stream_config (), std::size_t buffer_size = default_buffer_size)

Constructor using an existing socket.

The socket must be open but not bound.

udp_stream(boost::asio::io_service &io_service, const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint &endpoint, const stream_config &config, std::size_t buffer_size, int ttl)

Constructor with multicast hop count.

  • io_service -

    I/O service for sending data

  • endpoint -

    Multicast group and port

  • config -

    Stream configuration

  • buffer_size -

    Socket buffer size (0 for OS default)

  • ttl -

    Maximum number of hops

  • std::invalid_argument -

    if endpoint is not a multicast address

udp_stream(boost::asio::io_service &io_service, const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint &endpoint, const stream_config &config, std::size_t buffer_size, int ttl, const boost::asio::ip::address &interface_address)

Constructor with multicast hop count and outgoing interface address (IPv4 only).

  • io_service -

    I/O service for sending data

  • endpoint -

    Multicast group and port

  • config -

    Stream configuration

  • buffer_size -

    Socket buffer size (0 for OS default)

  • ttl -

    Maximum number of hops

  • interface_address -

    Address of the outgoing interface

  • std::invalid_argument -

    if endpoint is not an IPv4 multicast address

  • std::invalid_argument -

    if interface_address is not an IPv4 address

udp_stream(boost::asio::io_service &io_service, const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint &endpoint, const stream_config &config, std::size_t buffer_size, int ttl, unsigned int interface_index)

Constructor with multicast hop count and outgoing interface address (IPv6 only).

  • io_service -

    I/O service for sending data

  • endpoint -

    Multicast group and port

  • config -

    Stream configuration

  • buffer_size -

    Socket buffer size (0 for OS default)

  • ttl -

    Maximum number of hops

  • interface_index -

    Index of the outgoing interface

  • std::invalid_argument -

    if endpoint is not an IPv6 multicast address

class spead2::send::streambuf_stream

Puts packets into a streambuf (which could come from an ostream).

This should not be used for a blocking stream such as a wrapper around TCP, because doing so will block the asio handler thread.

Inherits from spead2::send::stream_impl< streambuf_stream >

Subclassed by spead2::send::stream_wrapper< streambuf_stream >

Public Functions

streambuf_stream(boost::asio::io_service &io_service, std::streambuf &streambuf, const stream_config &config = stream_config ())
