

  • Fix installation of header files: some newer headers were not being installed, breaking builds for C++ projects.


  • Fix a use-after-free bug that could cause a crash when freeing a send stream.

  • Improve send performance by eliminating a memory allocation from packet generation.


  • Set IBV_ACCESS_RELAXED_ORDERING flag on ibverbs memory regions. This reduces packet loss in some circumstances (observed on Epyc 2 system with lots of memory traffic).


  • Add send_heaps() and async_send_heaps() to send groups of heaps with interleaved packets.

  • Upgrade to pybind11 2.6.0, which contains a workaround for a bug in CPython 3.9.0.


  • Bring the type stubs up to date.

  • Fix a typo in the documentation.


Version 3.0 contains a number of breaking API changes. For information on updating your existing code, refer to Migrating to version 3.

The ibverbs acceleration has been substantially modified to use a newer version of rdma-core. It will no longer compile against versions of MLNX-OFED prior to 5.0. Compiled code (such as Python wheels) will still run against old versions of MLNX-OFED, but extension features such as multi-packet receive queues and packet timestamps will not work, and nor will mcdump. It is recommended that if you are using ibverbs acceleration with older MLNX-OFED drivers that you stick with spead2 2.x until you’re able to upgrade the drivers and spead2 simultaneously.

  • Support multiple “substreams” in a send stream (see Substreams).

  • Reduce overhead for dealing with incomplete heaps.

  • Allow ibverbs senders to register memory regions for zero-copy transmission.

  • Add C++ preprocessor defines for the version number.

  • Use IP/UDP checksum offloading for sending with ibverbs (improves performance and also adds UDP checksum which is otherwise omitted).

  • Add wheels for Python 3.9.

  • Drop support for Python 3.5, which is end-of-life.

  • Change code examples to use standard SPEAD rather than PySPEAD bug compatibility.

  • Change spead2::send::streambuf_stream so that when the streambuf only partially writes a packet, the partial byte count is included in the count returned to the callback.

  • spead2::send::stream::flush() now only blocks until the previously enqueued heaps are completed. Another thread that keeps adding heaps would previously have prevented it from returning.

  • Partially rewrite the sending infrastructure, resulting in performance improvements, in some cases of over 10%.

  • Setting a buffer size of 0 for a UdpIbvStream now uses the default buffer size, instead of a 1-packet buffer.

  • Fix ignoring the --send-affinity option.

  • Add --verify option to spead2_send and spead2_recv to aid in testing the code. To support this, spead2_send was modified so that each in-flight heap uses different memory, which may reduce performance (due to less cache re-use) even when the option is not given.

  • Miscellaneous performance improvements.

  • Support hardware send rate limiting when using ibverbs (disabled by default).

  • Discover libibverbs and pcap using pkg-config where possible.

  • Make configure print out the configuration that will be compiled.

  • Update the Python wheels to use manylinux2014. This uses a newer compiler (potentially giving better performance) and supports sendmmsg().

  • A number of deprecated functions have been removed.

  • Avoid ibverbs code creating a send queue for receiver or vice versa.

  • Rename slave option to spead2_bench to agent.

Compared to 3.0.0b2 there is a critical bug fix for a race condition in the send code.


Version 3.0 contains a number of breaking API changes. For information on updating your existing code, refer to Migrating to version 3.

Other changes:

  • Support multiple “substreams” in a send stream (see Substreams).

  • Reduce overhead for dealing with incomplete heaps.

  • Allow ibverbs senders to register memory regions for zero-copy transmission.

  • Add C++ preprocessor defines for the version number.

  • Use IP/UDP checksum offloading for sending with ibverbs (improves performance and also adds UDP checksum which is otherwise omitted).

  • Drop support for Python 3.5, which is end-of-life.

  • Change code examples to use standard SPEAD rather than PySPEAD bug compatibility.

  • Change spead2::send::streambuf_stream so that when the streambuf only partially writes a packet, the partial byte count is included in the count returned to the callback.

  • spead2::send::stream::flush() now only blocks until the previously enqueued heaps are completed. Another thread that keeps adding heaps would previously have prevented it from returning.

  • Partially rewrite the sending infrastructure, resulting in performance improvements, in some cases of over 10%.

  • Setting a buffer size of 0 for a UdpIbvStream now uses the default buffer size, instead of a 1-packet buffer.

  • Fix ignoring the --send-affinity option.

  • The hardware rate limiting introduced in 3.0.0b1 is now disabled by default, as it proved to be significantly less accurate than the software rate limiter in some cases. The interface has also been changed from a boolean to an enum (with the default being AUTO) so that it can later be re-enabled under circumstances where it is known to work well, while still allowing it to be explicitly enabled or disabled.

  • Add --verify option to spead2_send and spead2_recv to aid in testing the code. To support this, spead2_send was modified so that each in-flight heap uses different memory, which may reduce performance (due to less cache re-use) even when the option is not given.

  • Miscellaneous performance improvements.

Additionally, refer to the changes for 3.0.0b1 below.


The ibverbs acceleration has been substantially modified to use a newer version of rdma-core. It will no longer compile against versions of MLNX-OFED prior to 5.0. Compiled code (such as Python wheels) will still run against old versions of MLNX-OFED, but extension features such as multi-packet receive queues and packet timestamps will not work. It is recommended that if you are using ibverbs acceleration with older MLNX-OFED drivers that you stick with spead2 2.x until you’re able to upgrade the drivers and spead2 simultaneously.

Other changes:

  • Support hardware send rate limiting when using ibverbs.

  • Discover libibverbs and pcap using pkg-config where possible.

  • Make configure print out the configuration that will be compiled.

  • Update the Python wheels to use manylinux2014. This uses a newer compiler (potentially giving better performance) and supports sendmmsg().

  • Add wheels for Python 3.9.

  • A number of deprecated functions have been removed.

  • Avoid ibverbs code creating a send queue for receiver or vice versa.

  • Rename slave option to spead2_bench to agent.


  • Make verbs acceleration work when run against MLNX OFED 5.x, including with Python wheels. Note that it will not use multi-packet receive queues, so receive performance may still be better on MLNX OFED 4.9.


  • Update pybind to 2.5.0.

  • Fix compilation against latest rdma-core.

  • Some documentation cleanup.


  • Support unicast receive with ibverbs acceleration (including in mcdump).

  • Fix spead2_recv listening only on loopback when given just a port number.

  • Support unicast addresses in a few APIs that previously only accepted multicast addresses; in most cases the unicast address must match the interface address.

  • Add missing <map> include to <spead2/recv_heap.h>.

  • Show the values of immediate items in spead2_recv.

  • Fix occasional crash when using thread pool with more than one thread together with ibverbs.

  • Fix bug in mcdump causing it to hang if the arguments couldn’t be parsed (only happened when capturing to file).

  • Fix spead2_recv reporting statistics that may miss out the last batch of packets.


  • Log warnings on some internal errors (that hopefully never happen).

  • Include wheels for Python 3.8.

  • Build debug symbols for binary wheels (in a separate tarball on Github).


  • Fix race condition in TCP receiver (#78).

  • Update vendored pybind11 to 2.4.2.


  • Drop support for Python 2.

  • Drop support for Python 3.4.

  • Drop support for trollius.

  • Drop support for netmap.

  • Avoid creating some cyclic references. These were not memory leaks, but prevented CPython from freeing objects as soon as it might have.

  • Update vendored pybind11 to 2.4.1.



  • Raise ValueError on a dtype that has zero itemsize (#37).

  • Change exception when dtype has embedded objects from TypeError to ValueError for consistency

  • Remove duplicated socket handle in UDP receiver (#67).

  • Make max_poll argument to spead2.send.UdpIbvStream actually have an effect (#55).

  • Correctly report EOF errors in spead2::send::streambuf_stream.

  • Wrap implicitly computed heap cnts to the number of available bits (#3). Previously behaviour was undefined.

  • Some header files were not installed by make install (#72).


  • Significant performance improvements to send code (in some cases an order of magnitude improvement).

  • Add --max-heap option to spead2_send and to control the depth of the send queue.

  • Change the meaning of the --heaps option in spead2_bench and it now also controls the depth of the sending queue.

  • Fix a bug in send rate limiting that could allow the target rate to be exceeded under some conditions.

  • Remove --threads option from C++ spead2_send, as the new optimised implementation isn’t thread-safe.

  • Disable the test_numpy_large test on macOS, which was causing frequent failures on TravisCI due to dropped packets.


  • Provide manylinux2010 wheels.

  • Dynamically link to libibverbs and librdmacm on demand. This allows binaries (particularly wheels) to support verbs acceleration but still work on systems without these libraries installed.

  • Support for Boost 1.70. Unfortunately Boost 1.70 removes the ability to query the io_service from a socket, so constructors that take a socket but no io_service are omitted when compiling with Boost 1.70 or newer.

  • Fix some compiler warnings from GCC 8.


  • Rework the locking internals of spead2::recv::stream so that a full ringbuffer doesn’t block new readers from being added. This changes the interfaces between spead2::recv::reader and spead2::recv::stream_base, but since users generally don’t deal with that interface the major version hasn’t been incremented.

  • Fix a spurious log message if an in-process receiver is manually stopped.

  • Fix an intermittent unit test failure due to timing.


  • Undo the optimisation of using a single flow steering rule to cover multiple multicast groups (see #11).


  • Fix -c option to mcdump.

  • Fix a missing #include that could be exposed by including headers in a particular order.

  • Make spead2::recv::heap’s move constructor and move assignment operator noexcept.

  • Add a long_description to the Python metadata.


  • Update type stubs for new features in 1.11.0.


  • Add spead2.recv.Stream.allow_unsized_heaps to support rejecting packets without a heap length.

  • Add extended custom memcpy support (C++ only) for scattering data from packets.


  • Use ibverbs multi-packet receive queues automatically when available (supported by mlx5 driver).

  • Automatically reduce buffer size for verbs receiver to match hardware limits (fixed #64).

  • Gracefully handle Ctrl-C in spead2_recv and print statistics.

  • Add typing stub files to assist checking with Mypy.

  • Give a name to the argument of spead2.recv.Stream.add_inproc_reader().

  • Fix Python binding for one of the UDP reader overloads that takes an existing socket. This was a deprecated overload.

  • Add a unit test for ibverbs support. It’s not run by default because it needs specific hardware.


  • Accelerate per-packet processing, particularly when max_heaps is large.

  • Accelerate per-heap processing, particularly for heaps with few items.

  • Add a fast path for single-packet heaps.

  • Improve performance of the pcap reader by working on batches of packets.

  • Provide access to ringbuffer size and capacity for diagnostics.

  • Add extra fields to spead2.recv.StreamStats.

  • Add support for pcap files to the C++ version of spead2_recv.

  • Update the vendored pybind11 to 2.2.4 (fixes some warnings on Python 3.7).

  • Deprecate netmap support in documentation.


  • autotools are no longer required to install the C++ build (when installing from a release tarball).



  • Add support for TCP/IP (contributed by Rodrigo Tobar).

  • Changed command-line options for spead2_send/spead2_recv: --ibv and --netmap are now boolean flags, and the interface address is set with --bind.

  • Added option to specify interface address for spead2::send::udp_stream even when not using the multicast constructors.

  • Constructors that take an existing socket now expect the user to set all socket options. The old versions that take a socket buffer size are deprecated. Note that the behaviour of spead2::send::udp_stream with a socket has changed: if no buffer size is given, it is left at the OS default, rather than applying the spead2 default.

  • Fix a bug causing undefined behaviour if a send class is destroyed while there is still data in flight.

Version 1.8.0

Version 1.7.2

  • Add progress reports to mcdump

  • Add ability to pass - as filename to mcdump to skip file writing.

  • Add --count option to mcdump

Version 1.7.1

There are no code changes, but this release fixes a packaging error in 1.7.0 that prevented the asyncio integration from being included.

Version 1.7.0

  • Support for pcap files. Files passed to are now assumed to be pcap files, rather than raw concatenated packets.

  • Only log warnings about the ringbuffer being full if at least one stream reader is lossy (indicated by a new virtual member function in spead2::recv::Reader).

Version 1.6.0

  • Change and spead2_send to interpret the --rate option as Gb/s and not Gib/s.

  • Change send rate limiting to bound the rate at which we catch up if we fall behind. This is controlled by a new attribute of StreamConfig.

  • Add report at end of and spead2_send on the actual number of bytes sent and achieved rate.

  • Fix a race condition where the stream statistics might only be updated after the stream ended (which lead to unit test failures in some cases).

Version 1.5.2

  • Report statistics when is stopped by SIGINT.

  • Add –ttl option to and spead2_send.

Version 1.5.1

  • Explicitly set UDP checksum to 0 in IBV sender, instead of leaving arbitrary values.

  • Improved documentation of asyncio support.

Version 1.5.0

  • Support for asyncio in Python 3. For each trollius module there is now an equivalent asyncio module. The installed utilities use asyncio on Python 3.4+.

  • Add spead2.recv.Stream.stop_on_stop_item to allow a stream to keep receiving after a stop item is received.

  • Switch shutdown code to use atexit instead of a capsule destructor, to support PyPy.

  • Test PyPy support with Travis.

Version 1.4.0

  • Remove --bind option to and spead2_recv. Instead, use host:port as the source. This allows subscribing to multiple multicast groups.

  • Improved access to information about incomplete heaps (spead2.recv.IncompleteHeap type).

  • Add MemoryPool.warn_on_empty control.

  • Add warning when a stream ringbuffer is full.

  • Add statistics to streams.

  • Fix to send a stop heap when using --heaps. It was acccidentally broken in 1.2.0.

  • Add support for packet timestamping in mcdump.

  • Return the previous logging function from spead2::set_log_function().

  • Make Python logging from C++ code asynchronous, to avoid blocking the thread pool on the GIL.

  • Upgrade to pybind11 2.2.1 internally.

  • Some fixes for PyPy support.

Version 1.3.2

  • Fix segfault in shutdown for (fixes #56).

  • Fix for TypeError in Python 3.6 when reading fields that aren’t aligned to byte boundaries.

  • Include binary wheels in releases.

Version 1.3.1

Version 1.3.0

  • Rewrite the Python wrapping using pybind11. This should not cause any compatibility problems, unless you’re using the spead2/py_*.h headers.

  • Allow passing std::shared_ptr to constructors that take a thread pool, with the constructed object holding a reference.

  • Prevent constructing a spead2.recv.Stream with max_heaps=0 (fixes #54).

Version 1.2.2

  • Fix rate limiting causing longer sleeps than necessary (fixes #53).

Version 1.2.1

  • Disable LTO by default and require the user to opt in, because even if the compiler supports it, linking can still fail (fixes #51).

Version 1.2.0

  • Support multiple endpoints for one udp_ibv_reader (fixes #48).

  • Fix compilation on OS X 10.9 (fixes #49)

  • Fix spead2::ringbuffer<T>::emplace() and spead2::ringbuffer<T>::try_emplace()

  • Improved error messages when passing invalid arguments to mcdump

Version 1.1.2

  • Only log descriptor replacement if it actually replaces an existing name or ID (regression in 1.1.1).

  • Fix build on ARM where compiling against asio requires linking against pthread.

  • Updated and expanded performance tuning guide.

Version 1.1.1

  • Report the item name in exception for “too few elements for shape” errors

  • Overhaul of rules for handling item descriptors that change the name or ID of an item. This prevents stale items from hanging around when the sender changes the name of an item but keeps the same ID, which can cause unrelated errors on the receiver if the shape also changes.

Version 1.1.0

  • Allow heap cnt to be set explicitly by sender, and the automatic heap cnt sequence to be specified as a start value and step.

Version 1.0.1

  • Fix exceptions to include more information about the source of the failure

  • Add mcdump tool

Version 1.0.0

  • The C++ API installation has been changed to use autoconf and automake. As a result, it is possible to run make install and get the static library, headers, and tools installed.

  • The directory structure has changed. The spead2_* tools are now installed, example code is now in the examples directory, and the headers have moved to include/spead2.

  • Add support for sending data using libibverbs API (previously only supported for receiving)

  • Fix async_send_heap (in Python) to return a future instead of being a coroutine: this fixes a problem with undefined ordering in the trollius example.

  • Made sending streams polymorphic, with abstract base class spead2::send::stream, to simplify writing generic code that can operate on any type of stream. This will break code that depended on the old template class of the same name, which has been renamed to spead2::send::stream_impl.

  • Add --memcpy-nt to and

  • Multicast support in and spead2_bench

  • Changes to the algorithm for and spead2_bench: it now starts by computing the maximum send speed, and then either reporting that this is the limiting factor, or using it to start the binary search for the receive speed. It is also stricter about lost heaps.

  • Some internal refactoring of code for dealing with raw packets, so that it is shared between the netmap and ibv readers.

  • Report function name that failed in semaphore system_error exceptions.

  • Make the unit tests pass on OS X (now tested on

Version 0.10.4

  • Refactor some of the Boost.Python glue code to make it possible to reuse parts of it in writing new Python extensions that use the C++ spead2 API.

Version 0.10.3

  • Suppress “operation aborted” warnings from UDP reader when using the API to stop a stream (introduced in 0.10.0).

  • Improved elimination of duplicate item pointers, removing them as they’re received rather than when freezing a live heap (fixes #46).

  • Use hex for reporting item IDs in log messages

  • Fix reading from closed file descriptor after stream.stop() (fixes #42)

  • Fix segmentation fault when using ibverbs but trying to bind to a non-RDMA device network interface (fixes #45)

Version 0.10.2

  • Fix a performance problem when a heap contains many packets and every packet contains item pointers. The performance was quadratic instead of linear.

Version 0.10.1

  • Fixed a bug in registering add_udp_ibv_reader in Python, which broke, and possibly any other code using this API.

  • Fixed ignoring --ibv-max-poll option

Version 0.10.0

  • Added support for libibverbs for improved performance in both Python and C++.

  • Avoid per-packet shared_ptr reference counting, accidentally introduced in 0.9.0, which caused a small performance regression. This is unfortunately a breaking change to the interface for implementing custom memory allocators.

Version 0.9.1

  • Fix using a MemoryPool with a thread pool and low water mark (regression in 0.9.0).

Version 0.9.0

  • Add support for custom memory allocators.

Version 0.8.2

  • Ensure correct operation when loop=None is passed explicitly to trollius stream constructors, for consistency with functions that have it as a keyword parameter.

Version 0.8.1

  • Suppress recvmmsg: resource temporarily unavailable warnings (fixes #43)

Version 0.8.0

  • Extend MemoryPool to allow a background thread to replenish the pool when it gets low.

  • Extend ThreadPool to allow the user to pin the threads to specific CPU cores (on glibc).

Version 0.7.1

  • Fix ring_stream destructor to not deadlock (fixes #41)

Version 0.7.0

  • Change handling of incomplete heaps (fixes #39). Previously, incomplete heaps were only abandoned once there were more than max_heaps of them. Now, they are abandoned once max_heaps more heaps are seen, even if those heaps were complete. This causes the warnings for incomplete heaps to appear closer to the time they arrived, and also has some extremely small performance advantages due to changes in the implementation.

  • backwards-incompatible change: remove set_max_heaps(). It was not previously documented, so hopefully is not being used. It could not be efficiently supported with the design changes above.

  • Add spead2.recv.Stream.set_memcpy() to control non-temporal caching hints.

  • Fix C++ version of spead2_bench to actually use the memory pool

  • Reduce memory usage in spead2_bench (C++ version)

Version 0.6.3

  • Partially fix #40: set_max_heaps() and set_memory_pool() will no longer deadlock if called on a stream that has already had a reader added and is receiving data.

Version 0.6.2

  • Add a fast path for integer items that exactly fit in an immediate.

  • Optimise Python code by replacing np.product with a pure Python implementation.

Version 0.6.1

  • Filter out duplicate items from a heap. It is undefined which of a set of duplicates will be retained (it was already undefined for spead2.ItemGroup).

Version 0.6.0

  • Changed item versioning on receive to increment version number on each update rather that setting to heap id. This is more robust to using a single item or item group with multiple streams, and most closely matches the send path.

  • Made the protocol enums from the C++ library available in the Python library as well.

  • Added functions to create stream start items (send) and detect them (recv).

Version 0.5.0

  • Added friendlier support for multicast. When a multicast address is passed to add_udp_reader(), the socket will automatically join the multicast group and set SO_REUSEADDR so that multiple sockets can consume from the same stream. There are also new constructors and methods to give explicit control over the TTL (send) and interface (send and receive), including support for IPv6.

Version 0.4.7

  • Added in-memory mode to the C++ version of spead2_bench, to measure the packet handling speed independently of the lossy networking code

  • Optimization to duplicate packet checks. This makes a substantial performance improvement when using small (e.g. 512 byte) packets and large heaps.

Version 0.4.6

  • Fix a data corruption (use-after-free) bug on send side when data is being sent faster than the socket can handle it.

Version 0.4.5

  • Fix bug causing some log messages to be remapped to DEBUG level

Version 0.4.4

  • Increase log level for packet rejection from DEBUG to INFO

  • Some minor optimisations

Version 0.4.3

  • Handle heaps that have out-of-range item offsets without crashing (#32)

  • Fix handling of heaps without heap length headers

  • spead2.send.UdpStream.send_heap() now correctly raises IOError if the heap is rejected due to being full, or if there was an OS-level error in sending the heap.

  • Fix spead2.send.trollius.UdpStream.async_send_heap() for the case where the last sent heap failed.

  • Use eventfd(2) for semaphores on Linux, which makes a very small improvement in ringbuffer performance.

  • Prevent messages about descriptor replacements for descriptor reissues with no change.

  • Fix a use-after-free bug (affecting Python only).

  • Throw OverflowError on out-of-range UDP port number, instead of wrapping.

Version 0.4.2

  • Fix compilation on systems without glibc

  • Fix test suite for non-Linux systems

  • Add spead2.send.trollius.UdpStream.async_flush()

Version 0.4.1

  • Add C++ version of spead2_recv, a more fully-featured alternative to test_recv

  • backwards-incompatible change: Add ring_heaps parameter to ring_stream constructor. Code that specifies the contiguous_only parameter will need to be modified since the position has changed. Python code is unaffected.

  • Increased the default for ring_heaps from 2 (previously hardcoded) to 4 to improve throughput for small heaps.

  • Add support for user to provide the socket for UDP communications. This allows socket options to be set by the user, for example, to configure multicast.

  • Force numpy>=1.9.2 to avoid a numpy [bug](

  • Add experimental support for receiving packets via netmap

  • Improved receive performance on Linux, particularly for small packets, using [recvmmsg](

Version 0.4.0

  • Enforce ASCII encoding on descriptor fields.

  • Warn if a heap is dropped due to being incomplete.

  • Add –ring option to C++ spead2_bench to test ringbuffer performance.

  • Reading from a memory buffer (e.g. with add_buffer_reader()) is now reliable, instead of dropping heaps if the consumer doesn’t keep up (heaps can still be dropped if packets extracted from the buffer are out-of-order, but it is deterministic).

  • The receive ringbuffer now has a fixed size (2), and pushes are blocking. The result is lower memory usage, and it is no longer necessary to pass a large max_heaps value to deal with the consumer not always keeping up. Instead, it may be necessary to increase the socket buffer size.

  • backwards-incompatible change: Calling spead2::recv::ring_stream::stop() now discards remaining partial heaps instead of adding them to the ringbuffer. This only affects the C++ API, because the Python API does not provide any access to partial heaps anyway.

  • backwards-incompatible change: A heap with a stop flag is swallowed rather than passed to heap_ready() (see issue [#29](

Version 0.3.0

This release contains a number of backwards-incompatible changes in the Python bindings, although most uses will probably not notice:

  • When a received character array is returned as a string, it is now of type str (previously it was unicode in Python 2).

  • An array of characters with a numpy descriptor with type S1 will no longer automatically be turned back into a string. Only using a format of [(‘c’, 8)] will do so.

  • The c format code may now only be used with a length of 8.

  • When sending, values will now always be converted to a numpy array first, even if this isn’t the final representation that will be put on the network. This may lead to some subtle changes in behaviour.

  • The BUG_COMPAT_NO_SCALAR_NUMPY introduced in 0.2.2 has been removed. Now, specifying an old-style format will always use that format at the protocol level, rather than replacing it with a numpy descriptor.

There are also some other bug-fixes and improvements:

  • Fix incorrect warnings about send buffer size.

  • Added –descriptors option to

  • The dtype argument to spead2.ItemGroup.add_item() is now optional, removing the need to specify dtype=None when passing a format.

Version 0.2.2

  • Workaround for a PySPEAD bug that would cause PySPEAD to fail if sent a simple scalar value. The user must still specify scalars with a format rather than a dtype to make things work.

Version 0.2.1

  • Fix compilation on OS X again. The extension binary will be slightly larger as a result, but still much smaller than before 0.2.0.

Version 0.2.0

  • backwards-incompatible change: for sending, the heap count is now tracked internally by the stream, rather than an attribute of the heap. This affects both C++ and Python bindings, although Python code that always uses HeapGenerator rather than directly creating heaps will not be affected.

  • The HeapGenerator is extended to allow items to be added to an existing heap and to give finer control over whether descriptors and/or values are put in the heap.

  • Fixes a bug that caused some values to be cast to non-native endian.

  • Added overloaded equality tests on Flavour objects.

  • Strip the extension binary to massively reduce its size

Version 0.1.2

  • Coerce values to int for legacy ‘u’ and ‘i’ fields

  • Fix flavour selection in example code

Version 0.1.1

  • Fixes to support OS X

Version 0.1.0

  • First public release