Getting started with development

Python setup

Refer to the Introduction to spead2 for the prerequisite packages (particularly Python install from source). You will also need ninja-build, and a Python virtual environment. You can use any tool you like to create the virtual environment, but it must be located outside of the working copy of the spead2 repository 1. I like pyenv (with pyenv-virtualenv), but you can also use venv or virtualenv directly. It’s also a good idea to install ccache or sccache, as it will make recompilation much faster.

Check out a copy of spead2 from git, and make it your current directory. Install pre-commit (e.g., with pip install pre-commit) and run pre-commit install to set it up. This will ensure that commits pass a set of static analysis checks.

Inside your virtual environment, install the build dependencies. You can find a list of them right at the top of pyproject.toml.

You’re now ready to make an “editable” installation. This is an installation that will use the files inside your working copy (recompiling C++ code if necessary), so that you don’t need to explicitly install after each change. To do so, run

pip install --no-build-isolation -e .

See the meson-python documentation for more information about the limitations of editable installs. Also install the development runtime dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-3.12.txt

Now you should be able to run the unit tests by executing pytest. It is expected that some tests will be skipped, because they require specific hardware. Running pytest -ra will show the reasons for skipped tests. You should expect to see something like:


If you’re running the latest version of Python, it’s possible that numba does not yet support it and so was not installed above. In that case you will have additional skipped tests e.g.:

SKIPPED [1] tests/ could not import 'numba': No module named 'numba'
SKIPPED [1] tests/ could not import 'numba': No module named 'numba'

MacOS will have some additional skipped tests. On Linux, there should be no other skipped tests if you have all the optional dependencies installed. If there are other tests skipped, it is not a show-stopper; it just means you’ll need to rely on the CI to run those tests for you.

C++ setup

You should start by following the steps for Python. Most of the functionality is only tested via the Python unit tests, so you will need to be able to run those even if you are only interested in working on the C++ bindings.

You can then follow the Installing spead2 for C++ instructions to build the C++ bindings (you can skip meson install). From the build directory, also run meson test to run the C++ unit tests. These are a small set of tests that cover functionality that is not practical to test from the Python API.


To install the necessary Python requirements, run pip install -r requirements-readthedocs.txt. You will also need doxygen and make. Then change to the doc directory and run make. This will build documentation in doc/_build/html. It is unfortunately normal for there to be a large number of warnings about duplicates.

Coding style

The first rule is just to adhere the existing style. Python code uses black and ruff to enforce style, so if you deviate from the style those tools will guide you back on track. The Python code generally does not use inline type annotations, because annotations in the .pyi files take precedence (and spead2 pre-dates Python 3 annotation syntax). New code (particularly in tests) can be annotated, but it is not required.

Identifiers use US English spelling, but comments, log messages and documentation favour UK spelling.

The C++ code is less consistent in style, but here are some guidelines:

  • Use 4 spaces for indentation (never tabs).

  • Opening braces go on their own line (Allman style). An exception is that a function may be written entirely on one line if it is very short.

  • Do not use trailing commas.

  • Do not add a level of indentation inside namespaces.

  • When two levels of namespaces start and end at the same point, use the C++17 nested namespace syntax:

    namespace spead2::recv
    /* Stuff */
    } // namespace spead2::recv
  • When closing a namespace or a #endif, use a comment to indicate what is being closed, unless it is visually obvious (nearby and without further nesting).

  • Be sparing with using auto to declare local variables. It should ideally be possible for the user to guess what the type is just by inspecting the code. Good reasons to use auto include:

    • The type is impossible to specify safely, because it is a lambda, or an implementation-defined type that could change in future.

    • It is an integer type, and explicitly naming the type could inadvertently cause type conversions if the type of the expression later changed.

    • The type is obvious from the initialiser, such as

      auto foo = std::make_unique<Foo>(1);
    • The type is exceedingly long to write out (iterator types are a good example).

  • Start a class with friends, followed by typedefs, member variables, and finally member functions. Put private members before public ones, unless a specific order is required (for example, to optimise memory layout or to control initialisation/destruction order).

  • Line comments (//) should only be used for one-line comments (maybe two at a push). Use block comments (/* */) for longer blocks of text.

  • If a member function has an empty body and exists only to implement a concept, it can use anonymous parameters if they are self-explanatory. Otherwise, unused parameters should be named but have the [[maybe_unused]] attribute. In some cases a particular compiler may still generate warnings after applying the attribute (GCC 9 has been seen to do this); in such cases one should place the parameter name inside /* */.


Before committing, remember to run pre-commit install to set up pre-commit. One of the pre-commit hooks checks that the requirements files are up to date, and (at the time of writing) depends on having both python3.8 and python3.12 commands on the path. If you’re not touching the requirements, you can skip this hook by setting the environment variable SKIP=pip-compile when committing.


Meson will show a long error starting with “ERROR: Tried to form an absolute path to a dir in the source tree.” There is also a Meson bug that causes this error to appear if the source directory is a prefix as a string of the virtual environment path, even if the virtual environment is not inside the source directory.

Making a pull request

spead2 uses the normal Github workflow for pull requests. There are many guides on the internet to writing good pull requests, such as this one or this one. A few points to note for spead2:

  • Don’t add to the changelog. The changelog for each release is generally prepared just prior to each release. However, it is a good idea to write a meaningful title for the pull request that could become the changelog entry.

  • Once a pull request has been reviewed, don’t force-push changes. Doing so prevents the reviewer from seeing the difference between the previously-reviewed version and your update. If you’re a stickler for a neat commit history, ask if you can rebase just prior to merging.